On 14 and 15 September 2019, a SDARians 95’9 25th year Gathering has been successfully organized to celebrate friendship between us for 25 years. Check out the picture gallery.
Category: Gallery
Ziarah Cakna SDARians 95’9 – 2019
Part of the activities in our upcoming 25 years gathering is personal face-to-face invitation to our teacher (some at SDAR, Sg. Gadut and some at SASER, Seremban) to come to our gathering dinner. Bridging the gap and breaking the boundaries. We call it Ziarah Cakna.
Inter-class Bowling Tournament 2018
Futsal SDARA 2018
Inter-class Bowling Tournament 2017
Futsal SDARA 2017
SDARians 95’9: 20 years Gathering
SDARians 95’9: 10 years Gathering
Pada 8, 9 dan 10 Mei 2009, berjayalah sudah satu perjumpaan sempena ulang tahun ke 10 pelajar SDAR sesi 1995-1999 meninggalkan sekolah.